Cristian Cardozo

Mobile Developer · cardozocristian [@] gmail [.] com

I'm a developer with more than 10 years of experience, a specialist in mobile development with Flutter and Kotlin, and in backend development with Java and Kotlin. I'm also have a DevOps profile that take advantage of it in each project by implementing CI/CD processes. I'm a proactive person, continuously researching new technologies and practices to implement and generate new improvements in the projects. My vocation led me to know and carry out all the technical stages of the project, from building a server for the backend to implementing the mobile frontend.


Flutter Developer

Mobile Computing

I'm in charge of the development of the new home banking app for Supervielle Bank written from scratch in Flutter. Using GetX as State Management. Also using REST services, biometrical data (such as fingerprint and FaceID), and usage analysis with Google Analytics and Dynatrace. Creation and maintenance of CI/CD process for deliverables using Fastlane, Firebase App Distribution and Codemagic (for iOS and Android). Also as an architect in the development of a new OCR app in Flutter using technologies such as ML Kit, GetX, Clean Architecture and Crashlytics.

March 2020 - Present

Android Developer

Mobile Computing

Creation and maintenance of native apps written in Java / Kotlin for the company AB InBev, to be used by the sales rep in its sales route. I've been in the creation of a module that connect the app with a controller on a commercial refrigerator via Bluetooth. They were made of: RxAndroid, Architecture Components, Room, LiveData, Koin, Crashlytics Beta, UltraLite, ORMLite.

October 2016 - March 2020


Mobile Computing
  • Installation of virtual and physical servers that different projects in the company required, they used Windows Server or Linux: CentOS, Ubuntu Server, Oracle Linux.
  • Migration of physical servers to AWS Cloud
  • Installation and administration of CI tools such as Jenkins and Docker
  • Fortigate administration, ports and users that connect to the VPN using Forticlient.
  • Server Maintenance such as Weblogic, Nginx, and DB Oracle 12C
  • October 2016 - Present

    Mobile Developer

  • AutoRAS: Desktop application migration for a Health Insurance company created in VB6 to a web application using Flutter Web
  • Lappse: Creation of a food delivery app for a franchise, both frontend and backend were written in Kotlin. Technologies used: Retrofit, Firebase Auth, Coroutines, Koin, Moshi.
  • El Ladrillo: Native app for ordering food written in Kotlin. Technologies used: Retrofit, Firebase Auth, Coroutines, Koin, Moshi. Backend in Kotlin.
  • October 2016 - December 2021

    Java Developer

    Mobile Computing

    Development and maintenance of web applications in several projects for different clients, some of the technologies used were: Java, Spring, Struts, JSP, JavaScript, Hibernate, Oracle, Weblogic 12c, Tomcat, Maven / Ant, Jasper Reports, Apache POI.

    May 2010 - April 2017

    Java Developer


    Maintenance and development of web application used by medical visitors. Creation of webservices in backend. Used technology: Java, Spring, Hibernate, ZK, PostgreSQL, SOAP, Swing, Jboss. Another project for VISA, was to develop functionalities for its web application in the client's office using the technologies: Java, JSP, Struts, SQL Server 2005.

    December 2009 - May 2010

    Java Developer


    Maintenance and development of two applications used by Telefónica for fixed telephony control, technologies used: Java, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JavaScript, SQL Server, Oracle, Maven, RMI.

    November 2008 - December 2009



    Software created (VB6 + MS Access)

  • Financial administrative software: implemented on two companies
  • Billing and administration system for food chain stores: implemented in all its branches
  • Management system of medical practices for medical insurance company: implemented in offices of Bs. As. And Cba.
  • November 2004 - November 2008


    Programming Languages & Tools
    Skills Set
    • Flutter, Kotlin, Java, PHP
    • RESTful, SOAP
    • GetX
    • Coroutines, RxAndroid, Firebase, Crashlytics
    • Retrofit, Moshi, OkHttp, Koin, Dagger
    • LiveData, Room
    • Firebase Analytics, Dynatrace, UXCam
    • Gradle, Maven, Spring Boot, Hibernate
    • Fastlane, Firebase App Distribution, Codemagic, GitLab Pipelines, Azure Pipelines
    • MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite
    • Nginx, Apache, Tomcat, Weblogic
    • Git, GitFlow, SVN
    • Jenkins, Gitlab CI/CD, BitBucket
    • AWS, CentOS, Ubuntu Server, Windows Server
    • Docker, Kubernetes
    • Jira, Trello, Google Suite, Slack
    • Agile Methodologies, Scrum, Kanban

    • Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced - Udemy
    • Study Jam Android - Google Developer Group Buenos Aires
    • Java Spring - Educación IT
    • Oracle Weblogic 11g - Oracle
    • Desarrollador Android - Instituto ADN
    • Megatraining Java - IBM


    My personal goals are: to be part of a staff with a good atmosphere, contributing my desire for professional and personal growth. Also continue to expand my knowledge in Flutter, and learning Javascript, React and NodeJS.